3 Spring Decorating Ideas With Personalised Canvas Prints

CanvasDesign UK Blog > Canvas Printing > 3 Spring Decorating Ideas With Personalised Canvas Prints

We associate spring with everything vibrant, warm, and cheerful. Why should our homes be any different? Here we share some ideas and tips for decorating with canvas prints .

decorating with canvas prints
Personalised Canvas Prints

Since spring is approaching, it’s a good time to bring the soft, cozy feel to  your home. However, we don’t want to knock down the existing decor completely yet.

How about some personalised canvas prints to infuse warmth inside the house without taking anything away from it?

We have 3 spring decorating ideas you can take inspiration from with the help of personalised canvas prints.

Personalised Floral Canvas Prints

Yes, you probably suspected some floral decorations would make the list.  After all, does the word spring not immediately evoke imagery of soft petals? You can not go wrong with floral patterns. It’s the one decor choice that will go with any paint color or the picture placement choices of any home.

floral tree canvas art

Flowers give you a wide variety of combinations you can explore. You could opt for a painted floral canvas or one containing a moment in time captured of real flowers. When it comes to personalised canvas prints, you could go out and take pictures of some of your favorite flowers. Then, you can get it printed and made in to a canvas of any size.


For houses with a minimalistic style, abstract flower prints would be better. An already vibrant house could do with some geometric flower prints. For inspiration, you could look through some Pinterest decor or look through our Canvas Art Store

Personalised Garden Canvas Prints

outdoor photos on canvas

Do you have a backyard you are particularly fond of? One with lots of flowers, greenery and maybe some birds? You could take a picture of your accomplishments, turn it to a canvas sprint, and hang it as the centerpiece in your home. Even better, combine it with a photo of your prize possesion like your car or perfect pooch.

There’s no doubt that greenery symbolizes spring. If you don’t have a garden, you have all the more reason to find the perfect garden canvas online and attach it to your walls. Just looking at some bits of greenery inside the house could bring you some peace.

Shelves With Personalised Canvas Prints

floating shelf canvas prints

If you have floating or open shelf structures in your home, it’s time to redecorate them for spring.


Shelves are wonderful because they allow you to transform one corner of your room any way you want without making major changes to the rest of the house. At the end of the day, you still get the breath of fresh spring inside the house.


For shelves, it is better to print multiple small canvas prints. You could do a mix of abstract art, beautiful scenery pictures, and some of your family photos. Then, you add some indoor plants, your favorite books, trinkets, some old 19th-century imitating candles, and spring is here.

Pastel Shade Canvas Prints

pastel shade canvas prints

If floral arrangements are the first thing you attribute to spring, pastel shades are the second. Those are bright and cheery as they seem to summon summer. It is the perfect transition decor from spring to summer.


Pastel-painted canvas prints suit floral prints immensely. It would be suitable for your living room, especially if you have light colored walls.

Final Thoughts

For premium quality cheapest personalised canvas prints, you can order from CanvasDesign UK. Not only can you order your own pictures in any shape you want or get ideal pictures from their library, but you can also add some quotes to the photos. You could print canvases with quotes alone if you wish. A 10 percent discount is available for anyone making a first-time purchase. Plus, you get a constant stream of offers if you subscribe to the newsletter too.order wall art now