How to make your bedroom stand out using canvas prints

CanvasDesign UK Blog > Canvas Printing > How to make your bedroom stand out using canvas prints

For anyone trying to add an extra set of personality to their bedroom, using affordable photo canvas prints could be a great starting place. Canvas art is spacious, it can take up a great part of the wall to help avoid bare walls, and it can be very personal to who you are as an individual.

bedroom canvas wall art

However, as you might have already found, working canvas art into the design of your home can be tough work. It takes a lot of persistence and no shortage of looking around for ideal artistic solutions. Since you can choose canvas art from all around the world, it is easy to get into an ‘analysis paralysis’ phase whereby you have so many options to choose from that you actually cannot make a choice!

When decorating a bedroom with canvas art, we have some effective recommendations you should consider.

Always focus on finding an accent colour

accent colour canvas prints

The first and most important step in this process is to find an accent colour that can become the primary focus. Look at the style of your room as it is; would it benefit from a bombastic colour addition such as a yellow or orange? Or could it do with some slight muting with more ‘professional’, colder colours?

For example, if your room is already nice and bright then it probably does not need more canvas art that matches this colour style. instead, you want something that can actually contrast and create an accent in the room. Many people who have a darker design to their room find that rich, bright colours and accents work best for their canvas art.

The opposite goes for a brighter room; something darker, more focused in terms of its colour, can be a good choice for creating a contrast.

Combine with your main features

bedroom canvas art paintings

An easy way to find a colour scheme that works, too, is to blend it in with things like your curtains, carpet, or even the colour of your walls. Something complimentary can work well; for example, if your bedding follows a particular colour blend then you could match up the new canvas imagery with that.

A room with darker walls that uses brighter bedding to stand out looks good. Adding some wall art canvas to blend in with the brighter items like curtains, lampshades etc. can always be a good way to add freshness to the room.

Include something emotionally important

Photo aluminium panel prints

Of course, if you want to make sure your canvas art feels more personal to you then a family image could work well. Get a photo from something like a family location, an event with friends, or a special moment in your life such as graduation. If the colours already match with what you want to blend with, great! If not, you could easily use an image editor to blend the colours to fit with the look that you want to go for.

The end result is that you now have an image that feels important to you personally. It helps to make sure that while the rest of your canvas art can be creative and abstract, there is an obvious tie to who you are personally as well.

Match the art style to your room

canvas photo gift

While the choice of colour might work better in a contrast, the actual artistic imagery should match-up with your room naturally. This means that you should probably be looking for something that fits in with the aesthetic theme. For example, if your room tends to be designed with a specific theme – let’s say Western European themes – then you might not want to just randomly throw in something of Asian or African origin.

Instead, look for canvas art that works in tandem with what is already up there on the walls. This can look much better for a start, and it also goes a long way to matching up with what you already have. While a colour contrast is always a good idea, simply mashing together different art styles can lead to a loss of focus. Instead, concentrate on matching the actual canvas art style itself – not so much the colour – to the rest of the room.

Create the mood you want to enjoy

Bedrooms should be places where you can relax, find some peace of mind, and also get productive when needed. For the most part, though, a bedroom should be a calming environment. So, try and include something in there that can be relaxing to look upon.

You could go for something like a mountain range, or a local landmark that you have always found calming to look at. Something that comes with calming colours like greens and purples can work well to create the atmosphere you are looking for. If this is a colour style that fits in with the scheme that you already have, then think about using some relaxing imagery using calming colours. Blues, too, are a great colour scheme to add in when you need that extra layer of charisma.

A calming bedroom is a better place to wake-up, so think about that closely as you make your decision.

Include a hint of nature

Of course, you might also want to include something in there that can feel like a reminder of the natural world around us. Focus on art pieces that come with a calming nature as opposed to excessive intensity. Sleeping well is easier when you are in a bedroom that does not feel like it is too intense. So, think about adding in some imagery that could help to add a touch of harmony to the overall mood music of the room.

Something like a collection of blue lilies and violets in a green field can work well in most colour settings. It feels nice to look at, and in winter it can be a great reminder of the natural world that is waiting for us in the spring.

Making the right choice on bedroom canvas prints

Darwen Canvas Art

Designing and creating a bedroom that fits in with your own personality can be a huge challenge. By thinking about the above as you buy your canvas wall art, though, you can make better decisions that work together in tandem. The end result is a room that feels better, looks fresher, and relaxes you in a natural way.

bedroom art canvas prints

Your bedroom is a major part of your life, and getting the look and layout just right is important. From adding in personal accents to using colours that calm, though, the above tips can ensure your bedroom feels more suitable to the purpose of helping you rest, relax, and enjoy some personal spacing. Canvas wall art in your bedroom can be a game-changer for adding personal accents paired up with imagery that feels relevant to who you are.


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