CanvasDesign UK Blog > Canvas Printing > HOW TO TAKE PHOTOS OF YOUR PETS


Pet photos on canvas are a fantastic way of displaying memories of your pet. Most people these days have pets of some description around the house. In due time, they cease to be a “pet”, and become an integral part of your family. The most commonly seen pets around the house are cats and dogs. Both are playful and active. Just as we like to capture and keep the photos of our family members as a memory, these added members become a part of that memory too.

Well, easier said than done. Making your pets obey you and pose for a photo shoot is a difficult or in most cases, next to impossible task. They are the masters of their own moods. Then we realize that if we have to click their photos, we have to follow some tactics to get the best shot that becomes truly memorable when you look at it sometime down the line.

Understand your pet’s temperament

To get picture perfect pet photos on canvas, it is necessary to allow your pets to take things in their stride. Since it is with you all the time, you know exactly what its moods are and how it is going to react to a situation. Pets look very adorable; especially kittens and puppies, when they cuddle up and sleep. Nothing can be better than capturing those innocent moments. If your pet is in a playful mood, just be prepared with your camera to click it unknowingly, performing some antics. That snapshot will be enough to bring a smile whenever you look at it.

Natural light works the best

For effective pet portraits, rely on natural lights. Camera flashes scare the animals and make them restless, if they are conscious of what is happening. Besides, pictures taken with a flash on can result in red eye effect in the photo and may not look appealing at all. Pets are more relaxed in natural light and it is easier to take great photographs, using the light effectively through different angles.

Focus on the subject

Here we are talking about pet portraits, so obviously it is the center of attraction. Try using a zoom lens to capture the candid moods, with a full frame focus on its face. You will be surprised to see different expressions in the eyes – sometimes quizzical, sometimes sad or even a glint of joy (after seeing its favorite food or treat in front of them). These natural expressions are the most cherished memories of your beloved pet.

Be prepared to click them

Pets, unlike humans, are not ready to pose for a photo shoot. You will rarely find a pet being so obedient as to follow your command of “Stay” in order to assist you in taking that perfect picture. Thus, it is advisable to take them off guard, while you are ready with your camera. Just a whistle or a call to beckon them and off they come running to their darling owner. This is the perfect opportunity to capture that shot, in fraction of a second. Surely you will get the most unexpected yet lovely expression on their face.

One shot is not enough

To get the best portrait of the pet, a single shot is not enough. Go for multiple clicks and then sort the one that you find perfect – with desired expressions, effective lighting and good focus.

This specially holds true while capturing pet’s playful nature. Repeated shots, one after the other, help you to capture the different phases of that activity and thus finally to end up getting what you were looking for–the most adorable expressions while doing the thing it enjoys.

Patience is a virtue

Arranging a photo session for a pet is an uphill task. It is not a model or trained subject to give you pose as per your demand. Nonetheless, with ample patience and following your pet’s moods, it is easy to calm it down so that it becomes more receptive to your commands. No doubt, there are few pets which are very camera conscious and give the best pictures at first go. But that is a real rare possibility. Hence, you have to be patient with your pet till you get a good, desired snap.

Be bold and experimental

Now that the photo shoot is planned, try to achieve the most from it. Experimenting with different lighting techniques, capturing the subject from various angles and adding some unusual background effects make the final picture worthwhile. The backdrop of a sprinkler shower, colorful flowers or any natural beauty can add an interesting touch to the photo, while you focus mainly on the pet.

Choose correct background

Remember, your aim is to get the best pet portrait. Therefore, accentuating its presence is important.  Select the background that will highlight your pet’s color. For a dark furred pet, a lighter, brighter backdrop is best. Likewise, for a light colored pet, some dark props or setting will help to keep the focus on the pet intact.

Pet Photos on canvas

Pet photos on canvas are interesting and they help you obtain cherished memories of your beloved pet. Pets are most selfless and loving creatures that give immense joy and unconditional love. They are part of the family and as we like to keep memories of our family members, relatives and friends captured in photographs forever, similarly it is good to have your pet with you forever in this wonderful portrait form.

Since this is not a simple task to achieve and need patience to deal with your pet, you learn to respect its moods. Thus, surprisingly by the end of the entire exercise you will come to know that you share the most amazing bond with your darling pet.

Animals, when made a part of your household, continue to give you joy and support through their playful ways and loyal gestures. They help to bring out the best in us and now it is our turn to capture the best in them.

A patient attitude, camera always ready at hand, understanding of the pet’s moods and little artistic approach will surely get you the most astonishing and prized photographs of your pet.